10 December 2009

Beauty of the world

I just wrote down some thoughts one day at school and I wanted to share them with you guys. So here they are.

Even when everything seems dark then somewhere is the beauty of the life. We may think that everything is bad and we get depressed. We don't want to see the good of the life. There is so much around us. At the day time we can see sun up high to shine and warm. Even when it's raining we can be happy because then the Earth can be watered and after the rain we usually see the rainbow. Seven beautiful colors to be a jewellery in the sky. At night there is stars and moon to light us the way. Stars to shine. It's so amazing like black paper with lots of white dots. And same is with the moon - big jewellery to shine. Sometimes we just don't see all that beauty of the sky. Especially when we are feeling down.
In the forests we can see green trees and hear the song of birds. There is berrys we can eat and mushrooms. Lots of animals. Some of them are really pretty. Like fox with his beautiful orange-red coat and cute tail. All those small cute squirrells. Even wolfs look beautiful. And those big bears. They just are so cute and seem so soft. At fall everywhere is colorful leaves. All those red and orange and yellow colors. Its like big paint what God has done.
When it's snowing then all nature is sparkling and shining. Yeah ofcourse it's cold and freezing but still I think it's one most beautiful thing in the world.
So what I want to say is that whatever you have in your life right now, whatever you are going through it doesen't matter. It may seem the worse thing in your life at the moment but at the same time there is so many good things in your life around you. So just open your eyes too see it. You will imagine how wonderful everything is. Don't be sad, don't cry just open your eyes and look around. All those flowers and animals, fairies (yeah I said fairies) and trees, snow and rainbow and so on and so on.

You know guys I have though that in the world there is so many interesting people and we have no idea that they exist. Sometimes we are too afraid to meet new people or our family don't want us to communicate to some people. Why? They are maybe so afraid that their little children may chgange or just dissapear. I often get to know new people. A lot in internet but also in real life. Really amazing people when you get to know them. Some days ago I wrote to one girl from ummmh America I think, just to recommend one film and we started to talk. I have read her blog for sometime already and she wrotes really good stuff according to Bible. And she is only 15.!.!. Well not always I personally agree with everything but she really is into that stuff and she really knows what she is writing about. I can see how God is using her in powerful ways to change situations.
Well those were some of my thoughts for this time so I hope you liked! Much hugs (who don't know then I wrote much there because much is used for uncountable things like water or sugar and much hugs because then there is so many hugs that you can't count them anymore). So again much hugs and be very overflowingly (I know it's not correct word but I like to use it) blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!