15 April 2010

Almost saved

I was just watching http://www.p4cm.com And there was one man talking about almost saved. That made me think that we never know who really is saved. They can say: "God bless you brother" but never mean what are they asking. They may ask: "Dear sister, do you have any prayer requests?" but never pray. Guys when you are almost saved it's like you mean ok I will give my life to Lord at 10 but then you die at 9. Almost Chsitian is only on a outside christian, a sunday christian. You can't be almost saved. Are you willing to send your children to a school what is almost safe? Or girls, will you date a guy who is almost straight? God didn't almost gave His life for you, He don't love you almost. He totally loves you and He sure gave His life for you. So make your choise to be saved almost or most saved?
God's love is filling all wholes in your heart even if you have lived totally wrong or almost right. He's love is there to help you up. He is there to love you most. You can't fine that kind of love nowhere else. He's love isn't almost love. With him you can't be almost loved!
Don't think about what you've done or haven't done. Forget all almost right choises. You are worthy God's love. I'm not talking about almost worthy but fully  worthy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

brilliant post!!!