28 December 2013

New year promises?

I was thinking why to wait till new years eve to start new life? Why don't we just turn new page in our lives today and start living new today? Why we should find some excuses like waiting til new years eve to give promises? You want to quit smoking or drink less? You want to quit eating sugar or lose weight? Why don't you start today? Why don't you start today? I hate new years eve promises. I want to change my life today. I can't wait till 1st January to get closer to God or to start moving more. It's stupidity. I want to do it now and today. Why don't you? You want to see change in your life? Start today! You want to get results? Start today! You will have like 3 days more in your new lifestyle. Start moving! Start taking steps today! Let's change life today. Not tomorrow or not after 3 days when it's new years eve. START TODAY!

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