03 September 2014

I know that I know that I know that God loves me!

Today when I woke up first I checked my facebook and instagram and stayed bed for a quite long time. And then after a while I realized that it's not right. I mean obviously something is wrong when first thing is checking my social media accounts but not saying Good morning to God or putting some worship or reading my Bible. I realized that I should start my day with God. That should be the first thing to do. I hope I will remember it tomorrow. Is it then just some words to my Daddy like: "Good morning Daddy! I love you! Bless me today!" Or whatever. But I made choice to start my day with God. I believe that it has big effect on our lives. Giving permission to God in the morning to be with you makes a lot of change during your day. Second thing what I was discussing with a friend on Sunday after church is noticing small things. We never know when God is actually protecting us. Maybe reason you were late in the morning was because otherwise you would've been in car crash or whatever. We never know what is happening in spiritual world and how angels are actually fighting for us in that world as Word of God says in Ephesians 6:12 "For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere." That's why we actually don't know what is happening when we are living our everyday life. And I believe it's good we don't know. It's good that God doesn't allow everyone to see spiritual world. I have seen it. Very very small of it and believe me, it's better not to. 

Today I went to Bible study in church I go in Tallinn now. And it was great! There were so much I understood what pastor told and what I actually got from God just being there, sitting. I was thinking about my past half year how God has worked in it and what He has done and I just got that question: "Who am I?" And it was like God told me itself that I am daughter of God. Daughter of most high, daughter of almighty and when I am Hid little child then I don't need to worry about anything. If I walk with Him in Hid plans then He has prepared everything for me. Like apartment in Tallinn. And I don't know why I got that one but I've always known that worship is one of the strongest weapons against satan because he was worship leader among angels. But Today I understood that it's not meant worship as singing only but worship and worshiping God with our everyday lives and lifting His name high. If we serve Him everyday with our lives then satan gets scared. And this is how worship is strongest weapon against satan. 

I know that I know that I know that God loves me! 

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