19 November 2011

40 days without facebook: Day 1-3

I deactivated my facebook account for many reasons. I will be away at least for 40 days. Someone very special told me that when I am able to be away from facebook for 40 days then I'm not addicted to it. Beside now I have more time for myself, for God and for my school. I have understood how much time facebook took from my life. Now my computer is just on for music and my msn is logged in or skype but I'm not there. My laptop is on the table and I'm just listenign music or knitting, studying or something. I decided it's time to give more of my time to God. He has greated me, he owns my heart least I can do is give some time to Daddy. He deserves it.

On Thursday we had youth meeting in Räpina. We watched one movie and well later we watched one interview by Kim Walker.  She told how Jesus told her how much He loves her and how she was created. We are taken from Daddy's heart and we all fit in one perfect place in His heart. He has made His great plan for everyone of us. His plan for us is THE best. When we walk on the way He has for us He feels happiness for us. He sings over us. Hold us in His arms. Embrace us with His love. He is all we need.

Today I was in Seventh Day Adventist Church. I usually don't go there but today I went with friend. And this first part like bible study or whatever it is there we were discussing that what matters is in our heart. You can read some prayers or whatever just by heart and not think about it but it doesen't help much. What matters is what comes from your heart. God seeks your heart.

I just think about it how I can give more to God. I love my friends but I can't be with them so much. I just can't I feel like I don't have my space. I need more time alone. More and more lately. But yeah everything nwill be ok. I know.

Love you all! Hugs, kisses!

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