31 July 2009

Some thoughts

I just though how much I miss my youths I had. Well I'm not ready to do youth work right now. It's just I can't be example to anyone right now. I love them. Amazing people with great heart. They all maybe didn't like all what I did or do but I love them. I miss being with them. Our other youth leader we had went to military. He was great example. He isn't perfict but his heart is in right place. He have his own addictions but his heart is right place. He prayed and he keep his eyes in God and I saw how he started to change. How God took his heart and just started to change it how God wanted it to be. I want to be like he is. Someone to who you can look. Someone you want/ you can trust.
Right now I found magazin by Joyce Meyer Ministries "Enjoying everyday life" Title of that one is Choosing to change. Just something I just wrote about that in here. I want to change.
I'm back together with my ex boyfriend but maybe he isn't the best for me but I really pray and believe that God is changing his life. That he is changing him. I can see it. So it is one what keeps me with him. I love him too much for leaving him. Anyway thats just what I wanted to say (:
Much hugs to everyone (Much because then you can't count them anymore ;) )

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