08 July 2009

Something about me

I took some tests in Facebook and I'll put some answers to here also then ;)



You don't judge others' faults but rather have compassion on them and what they are going through. Your first instinct when you see someone in need is to comfort them and show them how much you care. You are gracious, and love flows out of you naturally. Even in situations where most people would back away, you are right there for people with your arms wide open. You feel empathy for those who suffer, and this might be because of your kind nature or maybe even because you can relate; whatever the reason, you help heal wounds and are a shoulder to cry on.

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You are Blue!


You are blue! You are a deep, sensitive dreamer. You are usually laid back and calm, though, like an ocean, you can kick up a good storm, too! You are probably a daydreamer, who has his/her head in the clouds. You love spending time with your friends, and probably just go with whatever they want to do (you're a go with the flow type of person, just like water!). You are emotionally inclined - unlike reds, who feel passionately and intensely, you feel things deeply and strongly. You are extremely loyal, and your friends can always count on you to be there for them. Blues are almost always very intelligent, and they strive for perfection in many areas. You may tend to beat yourself up for your imperfections. Other people admire you and strive to be like you, but you probably have a hard time understanding why. You can be light and fun at times, and other times deep and introverted. It just depends on your mood. Sometimes you throw people off with your random changes in disposition, but your friends love you anyways. You can be a very wise, intellectual person, but you have to pull yourself up out of your own thoughts first! You, in a nutshell: Deep, emotional, wise, loyal, slightly moody, feeling, sensitive, supportive, intelligent. BLUE!

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A Sunlike Person


You have a pretty warm personality. You tend to be the highlight of others day. You shine through, and are usually an optimistic person. Your heart influences your decisions. You have lots of friends, and people tend to come to you to have fun. You are the 'star' of your group. A care free nature can be mistaken as ignorance, but you know very well that you can be serious and thoughtful if you wanted to be. You probably have some type of past, but you try to move on and take life by the horns. You generally enjoy life to the fullest, yet there are some things that hold you back. Sometimes, you just feel like you need a break, because a sun needs to set every once and a while. You can be quite bubbly however and sometimes that can be a problem for you. Lots of people seem to be attracted to you. Thanks for taking the quiz.

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Beauty and The Beast


Your life is best described by the movie "Beauty and the Beast". You are different from most people. You enjoy reading books and you are very intelligent. You do not judge people on what they look like but who they are inside. This helps you to form really deep and wonderful friendships with many different people. Through your uniqueness you will transform the world into a better place.

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You have a Purple Heart


Purple is a colour of elequence. You are very articulate which is useful as you may make a successful poet or storywriter. Purple is commonly associated with royalty. You friends love you because you are a great empath and you pay attention.

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